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Who Am I?

When you’ve been broken and are staring into the abyss, your mind can take you to strange places. Life becomes a twisted tale. Who Am I? is the psychosomatic trip I took as I was slipping over the brink of sanity. Thankfully, it was a journey that led to purpose, hope, and a life of peace and joy. But to find life I’d have to stare down the barrel of gun, survive a tragic jet crash as a US Marine, suffer bullying and abuse, fight off hallucinations and demons and worse, and lay down every night to eerily lucid dreams that seemed more real than life itself.

Who Am I? is told from the point of view of the little child inside me who wanted to live when I wanted to die. I call him Samuel. Samuel’s magnificent journey is mine, and it’s probably a lot like yours. More than you would admit at least! Writing helped exorcise my own demons and I have seen it give thousands of others like me hope. May reading it help you open the door to a new life.

We usually remain stuck because the fear of the unknown is greater than the fear we are living. Who Am I? more than anything gives hope that anyone who has been crushed by the trauma of life can live again, and the many more of us who just muddle don’t have to muddle. We can find a life of peace and joy. We have one life, live free!

My story of overcoming severe PTSD after a tragic jet crash to learn how to live again, happy and free. It began as the poems I wrote to make sense of the demons raging in my head and led to a testimony of using our worst moments as fuel for life.

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Testimonials from

“This book has changed my life. I am not a vet but I have struggled greatly with self worth and my place in this world. I chose every wrong path towards getting through every day for about thirty years. For the past twenty years Jesus has been instrumental in turning things around but I never really put myself out there and reached out transparently to someone. Reaching out to Silouan and reading this book have brought me moments and days of freedom that I didn’t think I could experience. And it’s just begun! Having finished his book, I now read parts of it before bed every night. Every day something occurs or a Bible verse comes up that “coincidentally” meshes with what I’ve been learning from Silouan and from reading his work. Now I’m working through the Ladder UPP workbook…this has NOT been easy at times, but through reaching out to others I’m learning to live free. Highly recommend Who Am I and the Ladder UPP…along the way enjoy Silouan’s music and poetry….the man can write and make you think. Thanks Silouan!” by Stephen Thien

“After I heard Silouan speak I had to get his book and learn more about him. How someone can survive what he went through and come out the other end to do what he does today is amazing to me. I’ve read it now three times and every time I do I get more inspired. Great read.” by Robert Simon

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