“If you are going through hell, keep going.” A quote from the great Winston Churchill. How awesome and true is that? But what do many of us do when all hope seems lost? We stagger around for help. We look for the easy way out. We try to cut our…
“If you are going through hell, keep going.” A quote from the great Winston Churchill. How awesome and true is that? But what do many of us do when all hope seems lost? We stagger around for help. We look for the easy way out. We try to cut our…
I will keep this short to follow my own advice on how to be a great dad. It is Saturday, and for the first Saturday in an eternity I can go outside without having to dress full blown Eskimo. So what are you doing online!? Turn it off, go outside,…
The more I travel around the country visiting wounded warriors like Jeremy Muncert and their families, the more I realize how connected we all really are- even in tragedy. When life seems to overwhelm us, the easiest thing to do is let it isolate us. This gives the darkness strength…
Freedom isn’t free, someone always pays. Here are some veteran facts to consider from the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans: 1 out of every 4 homeless men (or 33%) in the United States is a veteran. There are anywhere from 529,000 to 840,000 veterans who are homeless at some time…
We need family more than ever. I was recently reminded of this by Grandma Toodles. She died yesterday. Ninety and stricken with cancer, she died at home in Johnston Station, Mississippi where she raised five children and provided the love and support for untold numbers of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, family and…
I was having a bad day. I was down, discouraged, and afraid. The last thing I expected was to receive hope from the homeless. That evening I was to visit the local Veterans Administration Domiciliary, a place where once homeless veterans can live while they get counseling, clean up, find…