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Fathers, Drug Cartels, and Al-Qaeda

I was listening to the Shawn Ryan Show podcast, and his guest, retired Green Beret Scott Mann (, spoke about a chilling concern: terrorist groups and drug cartels teaming up to smuggle bombs and terrorists across our southern border. They believe it’s part of a plan for a large-scale attack, much like what happened in Israel on October 7, 2023. A terrifying thought.

As I listened, one question kept nagging at me: who let this happen? Who’s supposed to be protecting us from this? And what priority could be higher than keeping the bad guys out of the house?

When a father fails to stay vigilant, what happens? Bad things. And now, terrorists could be planning to strike soft targets—schools, dance clubs, apartment buildings—in the dark spirit of October 7th.

But what about your home? What should a father be protecting it from?

  • Social media.
  • Predators.
  • Busy schedules.
  • Drugs.

Our leaders have neglected our border’s security. In your race to build success and personal achievement, what have you neglected?

I know what I’ve neglected:

  • The bedtime stories I used to tell religiously.
  • Time spent burning stress on a screen, instead of playing outside with my kids.
  • Reading my Bible in the living room, where my kids could see me lead by example.
  • Kind words for my wife at the end of a long day when I needed to show more patience and love.

Protecting the home requires intention. Are you being intentional?

71% of high school dropouts, 90% of homeless and runaway children, and 63% of youth suicides come from fatherless homes. Literally, your presence could mean life or death for your children. Don’t just be there—be intentional. Help them visualize what they’re capable of, and they’ll accomplish almost anything they set their minds to.

Dark forces are coming for your kids. Will you let them invade? Or will you protect your home and lead your children toward happiness? It’s not the scary men crossing the border you should be worried about. It is the demons of this world you have allowed into your own home. The choice is yours.

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